• Title IX
  • Reporting
  • 报告事件

    You have options when it comes to deciding whether and/or how to report 一个事件 性侵犯或其他基于性别的不当行为.

    Concerns & 保密


    If you are unsure about if you want to discuss 一个事件, it is recommended that 你和一个保密的支持人员交谈. 保密顾问是雇员 谁具有特殊的专业能力(e.g.心理健康顾问 nurses, and doctors, or clergy acting in a spiritual capacity) are not bound by this 期望,法律规定的除外.

    For more confidential options and information, visit our 机密的支持 page. If you then decide that you want to report 一个事件 and explore your options, you 可以联系教育法第九条办公室吗.


    Alcohol and/or drug use sometimes occurs during the time of the incident, which makes some students hesitant to come forward or fully cooperate in an investigation. However, Goucher provides amnesty for students regarding alcohol and drug consumption during 非正式或正式的投诉程序. 任何报告方、回应方或 witness will not be subject to disciplinary action under the college’s Code of Conduct for personal consumption of alcohol or drugs at or near the time of the incident, provided that any such violations did not place the health or safety of any other 高危人群.

    Report vs. 正式投诉

    A report is a notification to the Title IX Coordinator, by any reporting person, regarding 发生违反政策的事件. 一个报告可能包含一个请求 supportive measures, no further action, and/or to initiate a 正式投诉 process 通过提交投诉.

    相比之下, 正式投诉 is a document signed by the Title IX Coordinator and the complainant, that initiates 学院的正式调查程序. 一个报道人有四年的时间 the time the incident occurred to make a 正式投诉 of sexual misconduct, relationship 暴力,或者跟踪到学校.

    To the extent possible, the college will respect an individual’s autonomy in making these critical decisions and provide the support that will assist each individual 在做出这个决定时. 报告可能成为正式投诉,由 either the reporting party or the college, as more fully described in this policy. 要提出投诉,请联系第九条协调员.


    Although the College encourages victims to talk to someone, the College provides an 允许匿名举报的在线系统. 你可以找到这张报告表 位于本页的顶部.


    If you are unsure whether to report to the Office of Title IX, we encourage you to 向校内保密顾问寻求指导和支持. 请注意 college employees that do not have confidentiality privileges are required to inform the College if a student discloses 一个事件, even if that is not the intention 关于披露. 在这种情况下,学院将尽其所能尊重学生的意愿 of the reporting student while also doing what is deemed necessary to protect you and other members of the campus community—this may mean conducting a formal investigation.


    The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Title IX, VAWA,以及整个学院的其他相关联邦和州法律. 这个人 is also responsible for coordinating the College’s responses to all complaints involving 性别歧视及其他相关行为.


    If you want to speak with the coordinator about 一个事件 involving you or someone you know, you have the freedom to share any information you have about the event. It may include any the following information about the incident(s):

    • location
    • 日期和时间
    • 详细描述
    • 指称答辩人的姓名及/或描述
    • 受害人的姓名
    • 不当行为的证据在你手里

    *All employees, including confidential ones, are obligated by their profession to report life-threatening situations and incidents of child sexual abuse by a caregiver (e.g.、家长/监护人、夏令营辅导员、教练等.)向有关当局提交; 比如警察或社会服务部. 欢迎大家提问 regarding these requirements to any of the resources listed on this site before reporting 一个事件.


    During the meeting, you have an opportunity to talk about the incident if you would like. Then the Title IX staff member will explain the options for support, accommodations, and the processes, which include an informal process or a formal Title IX investigation. You are not required to decide whether or not you wish to pursue process at the meeting. The TIX member will follow up with you at an agreed designated time to see if you 决定好行动方针了吗.




    你可以在线提交报告. 请注意,如果报告不包括 学院的行动将受到限制. 如果你相信你有 witnessed or have been a victim of sexual or other gender-based misconduct, please 使用下面的表格直接向学院报告事件. 有什么问题吗 投诉表格,请联系第九章办公室 titleixcoordinator@yann-mathieux.com or 410-337-6570.



    You can submit a report via email by emailing the Title IX Coordinator at titleixcoordinator@yann-mathieux.com. 有人会在24小时内回复你的邮件.

    In Person

    如需亲自提交报告,请发送电子邮件 titleixcoordinator@yann-mathieux.com 包括你是否有空. 办公室的人会确认和 24小时内.

    教职员工 & 校园安全办公室

    Except for confidential employees, Goucher faculty and staff are Responsible Employees, 这意味着他们将向教育法第九条办公室通报披露情况.


    After receiving the report, The Office of Title IX will reach out via email to offer 你要开会吗?.你有权拒绝这次会议. 即使你同意 初次见面,如果你改变了主意,你可以拒绝.

    If a third party reports 一个事件, the Office of Title IX will l reach out to the identified complainant and send an email outlining their rights, options for support, 并主动提出与他们会面.

    Once a report from a person of alleged prohibited conduct is received, the Title IX 协调员对报告进行初步评估. 这包括以下内容: (1) determine proper jurisdiction and complaint procedures; and (2) respond to any 报告提出的即时健康或安全问题.


    While we typically allow you to choose your course of action, in certain circumstances, 学院必须为校园社区的安全采取行动.

    • 如果某人面临迫在眉睫的危险;
    • The College has received a pattern of reports regarding an alleged assailant; or
    • If a weapon or drugs other than alcohol used to facilitate an assault.


    If you choose to report to the police and press criminal charges, the college will 支持你. To report:

    • Call 911.
    • Call Goucher’s Office of Campus Safety, 410-337-6112, or come to the office (Heubeck 大厅,一楼),并要求协助报警.
    • Call the local police department (county 410-887-2214, city 410-396-2525).
    • 直接去最近的警察局. 离云顶集团最近的分局在700号 巴尔的摩东约帕路(陶森地区).

    NOTE: The criminal reporting process is not confidential since all reports are a matter 公开记录. 因此,学院可能会收到有关性侵的信息 并有义务采取具体行动予以回应. 还有,向 Office of Campus Safety does trigger a report to the Office of Title IX; however, 这并不会自动触发正式的第九条投诉.